Mini vegan cheesecake

The mini vegan cheesecakes that I propose today are prepared with rice-based mascarpone and rice cream. A delicious and impressive dessert that is prepared with just a few simple ingredients. These mini vegan cheesecakes have a very delicate flavor that pairs perfectly with any topping, in fact I chose a raspberry jam and some hot melted chocolate added just before serving.

mini vegan cheesecake
  • DifficultyVery easy
  • CostMedium
  • Preparation time30 Minutes
  • Rest time3 Hours 30 Minutes
  • Cooking time35 Minutes
  • Serving4
  • Cooking methodOven
  • SeasonalityEvergreen


For mascarpone cream

1 cup mascarpone (vegan of rice)
1/2 cup rice cream
3 tablespoons sugar
1 vanilla bean

For base

1 cup biscuits (vegan)
1/4 cup margarine


1 Blender
1 Baking Tray
4 Molds


Melt the margarine in a bain-marie or in the microwave. Blend the biscuits in the blender. Add the margarine and blend again. Pour the mixture obtained into 4 8cm moulds. Compact well. Transfer to the fridge for 30 minutes. After cleaning the blender, add all the ingredients for the cream and blend well until you obtain a smooth and velvety mixture. Pour the cream into the molds and transfer to a baking tray. Add hot water up to a height of 2 cm of the mold. Cook in a preheated static oven at 160°c for 35 minutes. Turn off the oven, open the door and leave to cool inside. Transfer to the refrigerator for at least 3 hours before serving. Accompany with fruit or chocolate topping.

mini vegan cheesecake

Cook’s tips

It can be kept in the refrigerator for 4 days.

It can also be flavored with grated lemon zest.

Vegan recipe

Vegan Tiramisù (Gluten-free)

Chocolate avocado pancakes vegan-gluten free

mini vegan cheesecake

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