Easy Brussels Sprouts Stew

Easy Brussels Sprouts Stew. Sprouts are consumed in many recipes! I came across this recipe today and just made it for our lunch. This sprout casserole is so tasty, my family loved it even my daughter who I never know how to get her to eat vegetables!

Easy Brussels Sprouts Stew

Video recipe of the day

  • DifficultyVery easy
  • CostVery cheap
  • Serving3 people
  • Cooking methodStove
  • CuisineInternational

Ingredients Easy Brussels Sprouts Stew

1 pound brussels sprout
1 onion
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves (shredded)
1/2 teaspoon curry (powder)
5 tablespoons tomato sauce (100 ml)
14 ounces milk
1 tablespoon lemon juice



Steps Easy Brussels Sprouts Stew

Boil Brussels sprouts in plenty of lightly salted water for 10 minutes then drain.
Heat the oil in a large skillet and add the finely chopped onion and sauté for a minute until it begins to color. Add all the spices ( chili powder, chopped cloves, curry ) and tomato puree.
Add the Brussels sprouts cut in half, and a little salt to taste.
Cover the saucepan to let the Brussels sprouts season, about 5-8 minutes.
Add the milk and let the sauce come to a simmer. Check if the Brussels sprouts are tender by piercing one with a fork in the center.

Check the salt and add more if necessary.
Serve the hot stew with rice . Squeeze in a little lemon juice as you serve.

They might not be everyone’s favorite vegetable, but when I serve them this creamy at our house, Brussels sprouts make dinners and diners happy.
Turkey roll recipe can be accompanied by easy Brussels sprouts stew.

Easy Brussels Sprouts Stew

Main course recipes:

Main Course

Our Italian version of this recipe is here

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