Hot Chocolate Easy Recipe

Hot Chocolate Easy Recipe. The recipe is easy and straightforward. It mainly involves heating the ingredients and you’ll wonder why you haven’t made homemade hot chocolates sooner since it’s so simple to make.
After spending all day out of the house in the cold, you can easily warm up with this hot drink!
Get tips on how to make delicious hot chocolate at home!
Make hot chocolate from scratch with this recipe!
Rich and delicious hot chocolate so good, you’ll want to make it again and again.

Hot Chocolate Easy Recipe

Video recipe of the day

  • DifficultyVery easy
  • CostCheap
  • Preparation time10 Minutes
  • Cooking time10 Minutes
  • Serving4 people
  • Cooking methodStove
  • CuisineItalian

Ingredients Hot Chocolate Easy Recipe

16 cups milk (450 ml)
1/8 cup cornstarch (20 g)
1/4 cup chocolate (50 g)
1/8 cup cocoa powder (20 g)
1/4 cup sugar (50 g)



Steps Hot Chocolate Easy Recipe

To make an excellent hot chocolate, start by heating the milk in a small saucepan over medium heat.
Add the sifted cornstarch and cocoa powder. Stir with a kitchen whisk.
Dissolve any lumps completely. Add the sugar to the milk and cocoa, increase the dose if you prefer to have a much sweeter chocolate.

Melt the chocolate bar in the microwave or if you prefer in a bain-marie.
When the milk comes to a boil, add the melted chocolate, mix well and let the mixture thicken, keeping it constantly stirred to avoid sticking or even worse burning the bottom.

Hot Chocolate Easy Recipe

As soon as the chocolate has thickened, it is ready to be served in cups.
Hot chocolate is great accompanied by pumpkin cookies.

Our Italian version of this recipe is here

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