Avocado Toast with egg

If you are looking for a quick and easy recipe, full of flavor and also beautiful, you are in the right place.

Avocado Toast is a typical preparation of American cuisine, also very popular in Italy.

Fresh, rich in vitamins and super tasty, like every traditional recipe there are different versions.

Avocado Toast can be prepared with salmon, with prawns, in vegan version with legumes or grilled vegetables, or “Italian style” with mozzarella or ham.

The only thing that all these preparations have in common is the base: a toasted bread, classic or wholemeal, and an avocado puree.

The recipe that I have chosen today is the simplest but, in my opinion, the better, cause ingredients are perfect together: Avocado Toast with eggs.

You coul prepare Avocado Toast with hard-boiled egg or with poached egg, since I’m not particularly good at guessing cooking times of poached eggs I will use a simple hard-boiled egg, which is never wrong.

I promise to train and post a nice soft hearted poached egg as soon as possible!

Preparing Avocado Toast with eggs is very easy and super quick: just toast slices of bread in a pan and while eggs are boiling, prepare an avocado puree seasoned with oil, salt, pepper and lime juice.

The secret to a perfect result is to use perfectly ripe avocados, with soft pulp that easily becomes a puree.

Avocado Toast with Eggs is perfect for Sunday breakfast, for a quick lunch but also for brunch with friends.

With this basic recipe you can make a thousand variations, all delicious and super colorful!

Try it and you will see that even kids will love it.

  • DifficultyVery easy
  • CostCheap
  • Serving2
  • CuisineAmerican


4 slices sandwich bread (wholemeal or white)
1 knob unsalted butter
2 avocado
1/2 lime juice
2 egg
30 g parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 pinch black pepper
q.s. salt
salt (Himalayan pink salt to decorate)
869,22 Kcal
calories per serving
Info Close
  • Power 869,22 (Kcal)
  • Carbohydrates 53,97 (g) of which sugars 5,81 (g)
  • Proteins 25,32 (g)
  • Fat 65,07 (g) of which saturated 19,76 (g)of which unsaturated 30,94 (g)
  • Fibers 16,50 (g)
  • Sodium 2.495,30 (mg)

Indicative values for a portion of 200 g processed in an automated way starting from the nutritional information available on the CREA* and FoodData Central** databases. It is not food and / or nutritional advice.

* CREATES Food and Nutrition Research Center: https://www.crea.gov.it/alimenti-e-nutrizione https://www.alimentinutrizione.it ** U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. FoodData Central, 2019. https://fdc.nal.usda.gov


Small pot



Cook the eggs in cold water, they will be ready after 8 minutes from boiling. Leave to cool in cold water. Peel and cut into slices lengthwise. Set aside in a plate covered with plastic wrap.


Butter slices of bread on both sides, toast in a non-stick pan over medium-low heat for about 1 to 2 minutes on each side. Be careful not to burn.


Peel avocados, cut in half, obtain pulp from all except 1 half to be cut into pieces of about 3 mm.

Mash the avocado pulp with a fork to reduce to a puree. Add lime juice, extra virgin olive oil and mix. Adjust salt and pepper according to your tastes.


Now you can compose Avocado Toast. Make a first layer with avocado puree, place slices of hard-boiled egg, pieces of avocado, grated cheese, a grind of black pepper and a few grains of Himalayan salt on top.

That’s ready Avocado Toast with Eggs.

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AVOCADO. For best result of recipe, choose ripe avocado. You can decide to use it reduced to a puree, as in this recipe, or simply cut it into slices. In both cases, don’t forget to season it with oil, lime, salt and pepper.

BREAD. You can use either fresh bread (such as bruschetta bread) or pre-sliced, wholemeal or normal sandwich bread. Croutons or crackers are also good.

If you don’t want or don’t have time to toast it in a pan, you can use a toaster. However, you must first butter slices or put a drizzle of oil.

The bread must NOT overcook: the perfect consistency is crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside.

FILLING. My favorite is with egg, if you are able poached egg with soft yolk is better. You can replace egg with smoked salmon or stir-fried shrimp.


Avocado Toast with eggs must be enjoyed immediately in order not to lose crunchiness and because Avocado oxidizes quickly and changes color in contact with air.


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