Smoked salmon risotto

The smoked salmon risotto is a simple and delicious seafood dish, perfect to serve for a special occasion as the upcoming Christmas holydays for example. If you are racking your brain trying to figure out what to cook for the Christmas Eve and you are not familiar with seafood, the smoked salmon risotto can do for you: creamy and delicate, it is a dish suitable for a refined dinner, due to its elegant appearance.

Prepare the Italian salmon risotto is really quick and easy: simply sauté quickly the onion, add the chopped salmon and  rice (almost in the same time) and, after toasting it, you can add some white wine or a shot of vodka, to give it a special touch. You can cook the smoked salmon risotto with vegetable broth, or with homemade fish stock, if you have fish bones leftover from other recipes. In this case the recipe takes longer to prepare, but the smoked salmon risotto will taste must deeper.

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  • DifficultyVery easy
  • CostCheap
  • Preparation time5 Minutes
  • Cooking time18 Minutes
  • Serving4 servings
  • Cooking methodStove
  • CuisineItalian
  • SeasonalityEvergreen

Ingredients for the smoked salmon risotto

11/3 cup carnaroli rice (12,7 oz – 360 g)
5.3 oz smoked salmon (150 g)
1/4 onion
1 oz unsalted butter (30 g)
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 shot vodka
1 pinch salt
q.s. pepper
1 sprig parsley
q.s. fish stock (or vegetable broth)
553,19 Kcal
calories per serving
Info Close
  • Power 553,19 (Kcal)
  • Carbohydrates 73,36 (g) of which sugars 1,03 (g)
  • Proteins 17,54 (g)
  • Fat 17,22 (g) of which saturated 6,00 (g)of which unsaturated 4,01 (g)
  • Fibers 1,35 (g)
  • Sodium 905,32 (mg)

Indicative values for a portion of 334 g processed in an automated way starting from the nutritional information available on the CREA* and FoodData Central** databases. It is not food and / or nutritional advice.

* CREATES Food and Nutrition Research Center: ** U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. FoodData Central, 2019.


1 Chopping Board
1 Knife
1 Knife
1 Pan
1 Tablespoon

How to prepare Italian salmon risotto

Puoi trovare la versione italiana della ricetta qui!

For preparing the smoked salmon risotto start by chopping finely the onion. Cut the salmon into small pieces using a knife.

Put the oil and a small piece of butter taken from the total in a pan and let them heat well. Then add the chopped onion and let it sauté lightly on low heat.

Add the chopped salmon. Stir briefly and add rice. Salt lightly and let it toast over high heat for a couple of minutes, stirring often.

Raise the flame to the maximum and pour the vodka or the white wine.

Let the alcohol evaporate, then dilute risotto with a ladle of broth. If the broth is not salty, add a pinch of salt to the risotto.

Cook the smoked salmon risotto for nearly 15 minutes, stirring frequently and adding more hot broth when the one previously added has been absorbed.

When the rice is cooked, turn off the heat and add the remaining butter into small pieces.

Stir accurately the smoked salmon risotto for about a minute, until the butter is mixed with rice (in Italian it is called “mantecare”).

Then add a grinding of pepper. Once dished out, garnish the smoked salmon risotto with a little chopped parsley. Serve the smoked salmon risotto immediately.

The video recipe of this salmon risotto is available on YouTube. Follow me on my channel!

Tips and variations

You can also prepare the smoked salmon risotto using fresh fish, with the same method: after removing all the salmon steak bones, cut it into cubes and sauté it with the onion for a couple of minutes. Then add the rice and proceed following the recipe.

Translation by Giacomo Meucci

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