Preparing a tasty zucchini and sausage savory pie with ready-made puff pastry is quick and easy with this…
Savoy cabbage and potato soup is a very healthy and cozy dish for winter days, delicious on its…
Pork tenderloin with apples is an easy and delicious recipe for special occasions: tender and juicy with a…
Slow cooker ribs is perhaps the simplest and most practical way to obtain very soft, succulent ribs that…
Italian chickpea and pasta soup is a classic comfort-food for the colder days. Warm, thick and creamy, you…
Italian smoked salmon risotto is a simply and creamy seafood dish, a perfect to serve for an elegant…
Italian risotto with dried porcini mushrooms is a creamy and tasty dish, perfect to be enjoyed when fresh…
The original saltimbocca alla romana recipe is a quick and easy italian meal. Enjoy the classic recipe, discover…
Authentic Greek Moussaka is a delicious casserole made with potatoes, eggplant and grounded meat, covered with a generous…
The recipe with all the tricks and secrets to prepare the authentic Italian eggplant parmigiana as it is…