Pork tenderloin with apples is an easy and delicious recipe for special occasions: tender and juicy with a…
The Italian pasta and lentils is a creamy and tasty soup, a perfect comfort food for winter days,…
Now you can prepare Italian seafood pasta at home as you eat in Naples or Sicily by following…
Italian chicken cacciatore is a classic recipe for cooking stewed chicken pieces with tomato according to the traditional…
Tasty, elegant and hearty, the red wine braised beef is a classic recipe that you can serve for…
Italian chickpea and pasta soup is a classic comfort-food for the colder days. Warm, thick and creamy, you…
The soft lemon cake is a tasty and easy recipe with a cream cheese sough, a dessert that…
Baked ziti Bolognese are a traditional Italian recipe, a casserole of pasta perfect to be seasoned with many…
Italian smoked salmon risotto is a simply and creamy seafood dish, a perfect to serve for an elegant…
Italian risotto with dried porcini mushrooms is a creamy and tasty dish, perfect to be enjoyed when fresh…